Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Showin' Off

I actually did this painting two weeks ago on a weekend and never blogged it.This week will not be very productive as far as new paintings go. I'm getting ready for Fourth of July festivities. This is the first one I've had completely off in years. With both sons coming in with their lovely women AND granddaughter Clara plus other family, it will be great fun. Happy Independence Day to everyone and remember why we celebrate. God bless the USA and all those who protect it !!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Morning Drummer

In today's painting there are several small things that just make it work for me. The brightness of the grass, the patterns of dark trees and foliage in the background, the shadow of the bird and other subtle things all join together to make this a good painting. I've been married to Debbie for 33 years today. We're like this painting. It seems like there is no one big thing in our life that has kept us together. It's all the small things we think, do and say each day that just makes it work!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fourth Spring

I used the reverse of this pose on Tuesday's painting. It's fun to see how the same turkey looks so different by changing the setting. Coming up with a title is a daily challenge. Some titles become obvious as the painting developes. Sometimes the title is chosen at the beginning before I put a drop of paint on. Other times, I've signed the painting and still don't have a title. It would be easier if I could just name them Bob or Don, but then what would you name people? I know our sons would be ticked if I had named them, Old Veteran and Brilliant Sunshine!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sunny Slope

I know many people spend a big part of their life in a small office or cubicle and hate it. I'm happy to be inside painting today. With the temperature 95 plus, my small desk in my small room seems very comfortable with the air conditioning blasting. I spent 13 years in my sign business back in the 70's and 80's. I got my share of hot summer days while painting and maintaining my billboards. My specialty was large signs up to 12'x48'. It would take 768 of my paintings to equal one that big. That would be a flock of turkeys!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

King's Profile

I really wanted to throw some color in today. One of my all time favorite flowers is the Indian Paint-brush. With all the colors that reflect off the feathers of a gobbler, I can use all the colors of the rainbow. When I started painting years ago, Robert Bateman was my favorite artist. I loved his detail and use of subdued colors. Later, the art of Thomas Kinkade, with brilliant colors and lighting started me toward a wider, more colorful palette.I don't think I'm in the same class as those guys.....but, I'd challenge either to a race painting a wild turkey gobbler!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Big Ole Boys

I had a great Father's Day weekend. Lots of food and fun is very refreshing, but it has residual effects. I'll bet I gained 10 lbs. I'll have to do lots of yard work this week. I don't ever take off any weight sitting at this table painting turkeys. It's in the 90's today so any activity outside will cause weight loss, except the one I'm going to do.....float in the pool with a cold one!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Remembering Spring

With the first day of Summer one day away, this is officially my last painting of Spring '09. I went back to all the photos I took of this old boy a week before turkey season. I picked what I consider the "classic" pose. I can't help but wonder if this gobbler is still down in the timber. If you remember my turkey season, you know I didn't cause him any harm. Maybe I'm getting old, but I'm glad I was armed only with a camera when we crossed paths. Who am I kidding? Even with a fully loaded 12 ga. and a pocket of shells, the odds are still stacked in his favor. I AM getting old!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Spring Harmony

Summer is here! It's hotter than Kellie Pickler out there. Today's painting has been tough and I'm ready to head out and jump in the pool. This may be shorter than usual. I like to try to come up with something to make this interesting. Sometimes I use up all my creativity on the artwork. I can't come up with any words of wit today. I just can't force it because.....wit happens!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Soundin' Off

This morning I sat in the gallery and looked over all the 9x12 turkey originals I've completed during the past six months. I wanted to study them to see if some stood out as really good representatives of my current turkey art. My eye kept coming back to this pose. To me this tells it all about gobblers. They are simply magical when they're strutting. Their gobble can double the heart rate of any turkey hunter. This old gobbling bird just makes me feel good. Isn't that what art is supposed to do?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hillside Show

It's Monday and four days since I made a turkey. Other business and yard work filled up those days, but I was fresh and ready to paint this morning. Real Summer is going to arrive this week with some 90 degree days in the forecast. I plan to paint every day, but I look directly out the window at our pool so....... I'll try! This is the first Summer in about six years I'll have all weekends off. We have outdoor speakers at the pool and love to chill out there and crank the Country Tunes. Debbie decided she has found my"theme song". It's Billy Currington's, "God is great, beer is good and people are crazy" I agree with Debbie AND Billy!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dawn's Early Light

Every day I paint, I always have the country music cranked up. Time passes really fast as one great song after another plays on the SIRIUS radio channel. They play all the current hits and also the best of the 80's and 90's. I listen so many hours that I know most of the words to most of the songs. Yes, I do sing along at the top of my lungs. I've often told Debbie that I should have been a country singer. We agree the ONLY thing that stands between me and super stardom is singing ability!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Misty Trio

I was feeling pretty energetic this morning, so I decided to try a three bird layout. When painting a one day painting, I'm attentive to the amount of elements I put in. I'm not on a time clock, so when I'm feeling fresh I try something a little more challenging. I must admit that I have used up all of that excess energy today. Right now there is a huge thunderstorm rattling the windows in our house. I love to watch a good storm, so I'll head outside for the show. However, I really don't want a good bolt of lightning to be the thing that re-energizes me!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Warm Colors

Debbie and I had a great weekend baby-sitting our granddaughter, Clara, at our oldest son's home in Liberty, Mo. We did lots of fun stuff, but still had lots of rest time during naps. I took full advantage of this and painted every time I got a chance. I actually finished an entire painting. Since they live in town and the yard is small, there's not much for an old country boy to do outside. I feel very blessed to live in the country where there is a restroom in any direction!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Field of Daisies

Yesterday evening my dog, April, and I took a golf cart ride down the old, dead end road behind our house. We're the only house on the road, so it's a real good place to see all kinds of wildlife late in the day. April likes to crowd in right behind the wheel (she's about 80 lbs.). I think she'd drive if I'd let her, but she is easily distracted SQUIRREL and she bails out. I was enjoying the daisies blooming everywhere when I spotted a turkey feather in the road. It was a huge primary(wing) feather from a gobbler, 18" long! Of course this gave me the idea for today's painting. Like I've said before, it only looks like I'm goofing off. I'm ALWAYS working!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


When I arrived at the old painting table this morning, it was cloudy and rainy. As the morning wore on, the clouds got thinner and eventually the sun began to break through. I noticed that the more sunlight there was, the faster I worked. I took fewer breaks and the painting just flew by. The day turned into a Bluebird day. My concentration even got better. Some might conclude increasing sunlight entering the cornea actually increases productivity. Nope! I just want to get OUTSIDE!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Old Warrior

The forecast for today was thunderstorms and possibly heavy rain. You just have to paint a gobblin' gobbler on a day like this. Even though it's June, I know those old gobblers are exploding with every rumble. My poor dog, April, is really scared of thunder. She is an impurebred Black Something. She was hand delivered to my ditch about five years ago during turkey season. Even though she was only about six weeks old, she laid by and guarded a gobbler, all day, that we had taken the morning we found her. She's been my runnin' buddy ever since. Right now she's hiding in the basement wondering when I'm going to finish today's painting!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Golden Thunder

We had a great weekend for our granddaughter's first birthday! Lots of food, swimming, music and about fifteen family members on an absolutely beautiful , summer-like day. Debbie and I got to spend lots of time with our sons and their women. We even had a big old bonfire and stayed up until midnight. It was perfect! When this morning dawned I was ready to paint. Life is good!